彗星 Comet
Comet 17P/Holmes
2023/11/07 12:54:53(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/12/13 18:39:51(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/12/02 12:28:00(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka (TOA130 BJ-53C)田中利彦 |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Nabari Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 名張市 田中利彦≫
2021/11/29 11:51:28(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/11/28 14:26:46(UT) |
Toshihiko Ikemura (D345mmfl=1717mm BJ-52L)池村俊彦 |

[T.Ikemura Shinshiro Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県新城市 池村俊彦≫
2021/11/11 18:23:58(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/11/03 16:52:08(UT) |
Toshihiko Ikemura (D345mmfl=1717mm BJ-52L)池村俊彦 |

[T.Ikemura Shinshiro Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県新城市 池村俊彦≫
2021/10/31 15:03:31(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/10/08 17:05:22(UT) |
Toshihiko Ikemura (D345mmfl=1717mm BJ-52L)池村俊彦 |

[T.Ikemura Shinshiro Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県新城市 池村俊彦≫
2021/10/05 19:14:04(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/10/01 16:48:45(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/08/03 17:42:11(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2021/06/09 18:16:49(UT) |
Yoshikane Mizuno (D320mm fl=1740mm )水野義兼 |

[Yoshikane Mizuno (Kani Gifu Japan)]
≪岐阜県 可児市 水野義兼≫
2020/11/14 09:42:57(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka (Sky90 400mm ASI 2600)田中利彦 |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2020/10/13 10:15:00(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka (MN61 BJ-53C)田中利彦 |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2015/02/19 13:55:30(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2015/01/16 13:13:30(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/11/20 12:47:27(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/10/28 17:07:27(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/10/24 14:07:27(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/09/27 15:41:09(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/09/13 17:41:15(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/08/19 18:47:12(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/08/05 17:47:27(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/07/26 19:47:33(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(Sky90 fl=410mm α7S) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/05/27 18:44:03(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2013/11/26 09:12:27(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130 BJ-53C) 田中利彦 |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2013/09/27 10:07:39(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130 BJ-53C) 田中利彦 |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2009/01/06 16:22:12(UT) |
Toshihiko.Tanaka(130mm refractor) |

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2007/12/31 10:27:17(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(300mm Newton) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/26 10:11:38(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/26 09:48:05(UT) | Hideo Einaga (50mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/14 12:43:13(UT) | Hideo Einaga (50mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/14 12:22:48(UT) | Hideo Einaga (135mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/13 11:54:40(UT) | Hideo Einaga (135mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/09 10:58:40(UT) | Hideo Einaga (135mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/08 14:08:07(UT) | Hideo Einaga (135mm lens) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/07 22:58:00(UT) | David Arditti (80mmF5) |
These images were all taken with the same telescope, camera, and image-scale, and show the expansion of the Holmes coma over the last 3 weeks.
The camera orientation changes because in the last two because I thought it better to align the long dimension of the frame approximately NS, rather than approximately EW, in order to get more length of coma in.
These are images I sent out yesterday, but Mark Crossley on the UK Astro-Imaging forum has now made them into this rather nice collage, combining them in their correct positions against a background generated
from Skymap Pro, so I though I would share it.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/12/07 12:18:01(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(300mm Newton) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/05 09:19:38(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/04 12:16:39(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/03 23:46:00(UT) |
David Arditti(80mm lens) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/12/03 18:56:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(5 inch achr.refractor F/5.9) Kolovos Dimitrios |
-Date: 03-12-2007
-Time: 18.56 UT
-Telescope: 5 inch achr.refractor F/5.9
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L13.5'--R05'-G05'-B05')
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/12/03 10:50:35(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/02 12:11:09(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/12/01 12:28:28(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/30 12:56:12(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/29 12:59:54(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
コマはさらに拡大しており、135mm+DMK21AF04 の組み合わせでもいっぱいいっぱ
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/29 12:26:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100D:100mm fl:800mm) 中井健二 |
2007/11/29 12:18-12:34(UT)
FC100(D:100mm fl:800mm)+pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(ISO:400 NR:on fl:8.2mm) fl:330mm
exp.:30sec.*8frames sataked
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/24 05:15:00(UT) |
Frank J Melillo(200mm lens) Frank J Melillo |
The comet was quite difficult to see with the naked eye.
Through the 10x70
binoculars, it looked like a small patchy cloud slightly smaller than the full moon.
I imaged Comet Holmes and then the full moon. I compare with both objects
side by side. You can see the comet is nearly the same size of the full moon.
So, I would say the coma is probably the size of 30' - 35' arcmins in
diameter. Of course, from the darker sky, perhaps it is a bit larger and surrounded
by the halo.
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
2007/11/23 21:47:30(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/23 12:19:30(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100) 中井健二 |
2007/11/23 12:19-12:20(UT)
FC100(D:100mm fl:800mm)+pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995
ISO:400 NR:on fl:330mm
exp.:20sec.X1 30sec.X1 2frames staked
The black bristletail of the screen is caused by the camera.
It was troubled for the moonlight in age of the moon 13.5 and the comet to be light terribly and to find.
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/21 10:58:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100) 中井健二 |
2007/11/21 10:54-11:02(UT)
FC100+pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(ISO:400 NR:on fl:8.2mm) fl:330mm
exp.:31sec.X5 46sec.X1 6frames stacked
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/20 18:00:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F7.1) Kolovos Dimitrios |
Comet 17P/Holmes 20-11-2007 UT
-Date: 20-11-2007
-Time: 18.00 UT
-Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L10'--R06'-G06'-B06')

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/18 14:06:57(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/17 13:49:01(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/17 12:43:30(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100) 中井健二 |
2007/11/17 12:39-12:48(UT)
FC100(D:100mm,fl:800mm)+EOS Kiss Digital
ISO:800 NR:non
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/17 05:15:00(UT) |
Frank J Melillo(200mm lens) Frank J Melillo |
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
2007/11/17 00:15:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor) Kolovos Dimitrios |
-Date: 17-11-2007
-Time: 00.15 UT
-Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L26.5'--R10'-G10'-B10')
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/16 16:09:40(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(135mmF2.5 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/15 03:43:30(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/14 22:30:00(UT)
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor) | |
-Date: 14-11-2007
-Time: 22.30 UT
-Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L20.5'--R6.5'-G6.5'-B6.5')
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory
[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/14 14:02:23(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(300mm Newton) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/14 13:26:13(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(50mmF10 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/12 14:59:00(UT) |
Junichi Nakamura(160mm Newtonian) 中村淳一 |
2007/11/12 14:58-15:00 (UT)
160mm Newtonian (F4.8)on Redusar
Nikon-D50 ISO:800
exp.:40sec.X4 25%Resize
on Kokubunji,Yokyo,Japan
Junichi Nakamura (Tokyo,Japan)
≪東京都 国分寺市 中村淳一≫
2007/11/12 12:45:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100) 中井健二 |
2007/11/12 21:39-21:51
FC100(100mm Referector)+EOS Kiss Dital(non NR)
exp.:60sec.X8frames staked
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/12 10:23:39(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(50mmF10 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/12 01:58:30(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
It has certainly changed a lot since we first saw it,when it was easily
imageable with a DSLR in a light-polluted sky. The diffuse state now means it
needs quite long exposures. My DSLR shots are no longer very successful: here is
a mono CCD image,to same scale as previous sets with this equipment. On the
other hand,it does look like a proper comet to the naked eye now.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/11 18:13:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(127mm F/5.9 achromatic refractor) Kolovos Dimitrios |
-Date: 11-11-2007
-Time: 18.13 UT
-Telescope: 127mm F/5.9 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L26'--R07'-G07'-B07')
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/10 18:15:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor) Kolovos Dimitrios |
2007/11/10 18.15 UT
-Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L24'--R10'-G10'-B10')

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/10 09:46:59(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(50mmF10 lens) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/11/09 12:33:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100) |
2007/11/09 21:29-21:37
FC100+pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(ISO:400 NR:on fl:8.2mm) fl:330mm
exp.:31sec.X4,60sec.X1 5frames stacked
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/08 21:11:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100D:100mm fl:800mm) |
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/08 19:50:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F7.1) Kolovos Dimitrios |
-Date: 08-11-2007
-Time: 19.50 UT
-Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
-Camera: SXV H-9 (L30'--R10'-G10'-B10')

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/08 12:11:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(FC100D:100mm fl:800mm) |
2007/11/07 21:08-21:14
LX200GPS-25(254mm Schmidt Cassegrain f/10)
pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(ISO:400 NR:on fl:8.2mm) fl:1200mm
exp.:31sec.X5frames stacked
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/06 __:__:__(UT) |
Jan Adelaar(235mm SC) Jan Adelaar |
Here is my total data of Holmes of the past week, conditions varied a little concerning transparancy.
The cores are so processed that the small contrast are better to be seen....lucky al the work is done...weekend

[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]
2007/11/06 23:15:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F7.1) Kolovos Dimitrios |
2007/11/06 23.15 UT
Telescope: 70mm F/7.1 achromatic refractor
Camera: SXV H-9 (LRGB)

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/06 02:30:00(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/05 01:56:00(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/04 __:__:__(UT) |
Pete Lawrence(C14) Pete Lawrence |
It's getting harder to capture this data using my C-14.
For one thing the inner coma is fainter than it was last week and for another,
the size of the inner structures are now making it difficult to fit them onto my imaging chip.
Here's my inner coma detail from the night of the 4/5 November 2007.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
2007/11/04 05:10:00(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) David Arditti |
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/03 18:20:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F7.1 achromatic refractor) Kolovos Dimitrios |
Camera: SXV H-9 -Mount: EQ6 pro

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/11/03 15:27:08(UT) |
Kenkichi.Yunoki(260mm Newton) 柚木健吉 |

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
2007/11/02 15:56:02(UT) |
Kenkichi.Yunoki(260mm Newton) 柚木健吉 |

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
2007/11/02 12:45:00(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(254mm Schmidt Cassegrain f/10) 中井健二 |
2007/11/02 21:43-21:47(JST) 4frames staked
LX200GPS-25(254mm Schmidt Cassegrain f/10)
pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(fl:8.2mm)
fl:1200mm ISO:400 NR:on
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/11/01 __:__:__(UT) |
Hubble Space Telescope(2900mm fl=5300mm) |
South up image

Original 675kB tif
[NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute]
2007/11/01 23:40:00(UT) |
Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton) |
230X01.83SEC/140X02.83SEX EXP)
10IN NEWTON/ATK-1HS-11/f/4.8)
[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]
2007/11/01 21:55:00(UT) |
David Arditti(80mmF5) |
This is something of a negative result,but maybe interesting. My idea was to
over-expose the comet for a long time in order to record a faint tail,if
present,beyond the outer coma. An image by Pete Lawrence suggested there should
be one. My conditions are,however,not well suited to such an experiment,being
very light-polluted. I used an Astronomik CLS (City Light Suppressant) filter on
an 80mm f5 telescope.
Despite exposing for 144 minutes,and doing an aggressive contrast stretch on
the stack,there is no evidence of a tail. The outer coma is slightly
asymmetrical,the isophotes bulging in the same direction as the inner coma is
seen to "blur",but there are no tail streaks as Pete was able to record (with
much shorter exposure) on the 29th. Has the CLS filter suppressed them,I
wonder,or have they gone?
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/11/01 21:51:00(UT) |
Pete Lawrence(C14) |
Here's last night's inner coma. An interesting bright plume seems to be evident at the base of the main streamer,close to the nucleus.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
2007/11/01 00:25:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(70mm F7.1 achromatic refractor) |
-Camera: SXV H-9 (LRGB)
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/10/31 __:__:__(UT) |
Jan Adelaar(235mm SC) |
Regretly Cirrus was above during capture so somewhat fluctuating frames.
It is a difficult task to show structure in it's bright environment and still look natural...
hope a little bit of succes

[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]
2007/10/31 23:35:00(UT) |
Nick James(C11) |
[Nick James: United Kingdom]
2007/10/31 15:08:22(UT) |
Kenkichi.Yunoki(260mm Newton) 柚木健吉 |

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
2007/10/31 12:13:49(UT) |
Seiichi Yoneyama(200mmF4 Newton) 米山誠一 |
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫
2007/10/31 12:06:35(UT) |
Seiichi Yoneyama(200mmF4 Newton) 米山誠一 |
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫
2007/10/31 04:17:00(UT) |
David Arditti(355mm SC) |
Here is an even more detailed view of the structure of the central coma than I did last night,
this time with a C-14 plus focal reducer to bring it to an EFL of about 100 inches,about twice that used last night.
Again,the image is presented before and after sharpening.
Carefully-laid plans to do a really long exposure with a short focal length were scuppered on occasions both before and after
midnight by moving cloud,though there was a lot of clear sky about.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/10/31 03:55:00(UT) |
Frank J Melillo(Celestron 203mm Schmidt Starlight Xpress MX-5) |
I'm happy to read some of the visual reports of Comet Holmes. Some of
have taken great images! Keep up with your good work!!
I have posted my latest image. The coma had grown to nearly 10' arc minutes
across. So,I took 4 mosaic photos,attached them together and reduced to 75%
on the scale. WOW It is a beauty! Otherwise,it wouldn't fit anymore in a
single frame.
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
2007/10/31 01:04:15(UT) |
Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton>) |
DATE: OCT 31,2007
62X2.84SEC ATK-1HS/10IN NEWTON/f4.8'
streamers off the CC at p~45/
darker area at p~270).
large HALO/outer coma with
rare sharp border,incredible
sign visually)
[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]
2007/10/30 __:__:__(UT) |
Jan Adelaar(80mm refractor) |

[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]
2007/10/30 23:00:00(UT) |
James Jefferson(235mmSC) |
Comet Holmes 17P - Taken at 23:00 (Flackwell Heath - High Wycombe - UK)
Had cloud up until 10pm and then it just got better,either last night
was a lot more
Stable or im sure the comet has got brighter,around midnight it was
very easy to spot
Compared to the previous night.
[James Jefferson: United Kingdom]
2007/10/30 21:33:00(UT) |
Damian Peach(235mmSC) |
Here is a series of images and animation of Comet Holmes this evening. Again low clouds brought a premature end to things. Some nice detail is visible within the inner coma.
I fancy the bright patches next to the nucleus expand slightly over the course of the animation.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]
2007/10/30 20:44:00(UT) |
Pete Lawrence(C14) |
Here's a processed image of the inner coma from the night of October 30th 2007. There seems to be some conjecture about the veracity of some of the structures being recorded by amateurs.
The structures shown here correlate well with Damian's image sequence of the same date.
Note the detail adjacent to the pseudo-nucleus at the 12 o'clock - 2 o'clock position and at the 7 o'clock position. This appears more pronounced than the same region imaged on the previous day.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
2007/10/30 13:22:30(UT) |
Kenji Nakai(LX200 254mmF10SC ) 中井健二 |
2007/10/30 22:21-22:24 3frames staked
LX200GPS-25+pentaprism+LV20mm+Nikon CoolPix995(fl:8.2mm)ISO400 NR on
≪広島市 中井健二≫
2007/10/29 __:__:__(UT) |
James Jefferson(Meed ETX 125AT) |
Have only seen 3 comets in my time and this is indeed an excellent
example of something different.
Had a hard job of getting the settings and exposures right, will have
another go tonight.
Getting the gain right is the hardest job, this was a stack of 20
exposures at 12secs, gain low.
Still amazing night time object.
[James Jefferson: United Kingdom]
2007/10/29 22:36:30(UT) |
Pete Lawrence(102mm FL refractor) |

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
2007/10/29 22:14:00(UT) |
David Arditti(254mmF4.8Newton) |
The excitement continues.
Here I have taken a close-up,fairly fast-frame rate sequence with a Lumenera
and a fast telescope (f4.8).
After stacking and sharpening,the jet structure first imaged,I think,by
Lazzarotti,is clear.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/10/29 22:02:00(UT) |
Damian Peach(235mmSC) |
Here are some images of the Comet showing the inner coma.
Notice the dark the dark streaks and patches (these are not apparent visually.)
Also attached is an animation showing the Comet movement over the course of the session,
and also showing possibly a small brighter patch of material near the nucleus expanding
outward (session was cut short by low clouds moving in otherwise i would have continued for longer!)

[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]
2007/10/29 04:15:00(UT) |
Frank J Melillo(254mmSC) |
The sky condition was fair with some high clouds but I decided not to
take any images tonight. I did see the comet through the 10x70 binoculars and
it seems that the coma grew a bit larger yet.
I have posted the images from Sunday night. The coma itself grew larger
since Saturday nite. It nearly fill the whole frame! Also,there is a small
jet or stream from the nucleus. I used high pass/low power to sharpen the
details around the nucleus.
Finally,I made a two night animation and you really see the difference.
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
2007/10/28 __:__:__(UT) |
Jamie Cooper(500mm F4 lens) |
I took this one with a 500mm F4 lens
It is a stack of 6 exposures of 2.6 seconds ISO 1600 F4.5 all taken off the tripod as I have no gem mount or scope at the moment

[Jamie Cooper pub. Springer , England]
2007/10/28 28:23:33(UT) |
David Arditti(100mm refractor) |
At last,after four days of continuous cloud and rain since the discovery of the
outburst by Santana,a clear night here in Edgware allowed me to see this
amazing object. It is unlike any comet I have seen before,though it reminds me
of the drawing of the fission of Biela's comet of 1846,the circular part.
The darker region within the remarkably sharp outer coma suggests a shell of
material has been ejected,planetary nebula-like,symmetrically at the outburst.
This character was also clear visually when I examined it through a Celestron
14. The nucleus is almost centred in this outer coma,but the inner coma is very
asymmetric about the nucleus.
The comet is so bright it is very easy to image. This 1 minute exposure with an
ordinary DSLR was tracked at siderial rate,using a 100mm refractor on an
Astro-Physics 1200 mount.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]
2007/10/28 22:50:0_(UT) |
Peter Edwars(280mmSC) |
Here's my first Registax'd result from the 28th showing some interesing core detail deep within the coma.
The bright feature being referred to as a jet appears to be composed of several jets. These features are confirmed through
other session results obtained which are still being processed. No rotational filters have been applied yet. The image is unfiltered.
I also have a complete RGB set which still needs processing.

Just to follow up on David's mail,here's an image showing that 'faint' green outer coma recomposed with inner coma detail.
This was a quick process carried out last night to see what had been captured and consists of three single frames.
The final result will be smoother than this,using stacked multiple frames.

[Peter Edwars: West Sussex United Kingdom]
2007/10/28 22:50:00(UT) |
Ian Sharp(280mmSC) |
[Ian Sharp: West Sussex, United Kingdom]
2007/10/28 22:10:00(UT) |
Nick James(280mmSC) |
Attached are a sequence that I have taken which shows the expansion
quite well. At this rate it will exceed my telescope field of view very
I'm giving a short presentation on this comet to the BAA meeting on
Wednesday night. I'm assuming that it is OK to use your images but if it
isn't please let me know!
[Nick James: United Kingdom]
2007/10/28 21:20:00(UT) |
Pete Lawrence(102mm F9 refractor) |
which are still being processed. No rotational filters have been applied yet.
The image is unfiltered. I also have a complete RGB set which still needs processing.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
2007/10/28 16:41:24(UT) |
Kenkichi.Yunoki(260mm Newton) 柚木健吉 |

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
2007/10/28 15:17:56(UT) |
Kenkichi.Yunoki(260mm Newton) 柚木健吉 |

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
2007/10/28 12:06:33(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(300mm Newton) 永長英夫 |
手元にあった Vixen Cマウント レデューサー を使い、30cmF3として
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/10/28 11:50:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(280mmSC) |

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/10/27 __:__:__(UT) |
Paolo R. Lazzarotti(250mmF4.8 Newton) |
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]
2007/10/27 23:05:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(280mmSC) |
-Telescope: 11 inch SCT F/6.3
-Camera: ToUcam 740 pro
-Location: Athens ''ZHN'' observatory

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/10/27 16:25:22(UT) |
Toshihiko Ikemura(380mm Newton) 池村俊彦 |
Use is free.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫
2007/10/27 11:51:08(UT) |
Ikuo Takimoto(310mm Newtonian) 瀧本郁夫 |
310mm Newtonian F6.5 レデューサ装着し、F5
CANON EOS Kiss Digital X
ISO=400 露出:13秒(10/27) 15秒(10/28)
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫
2007/10/27 11:43:18(UT) |
Akitoshi Hatanaka(50mm lens) 畑中明利 |
≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫
2007/10/27 11:30:56(UT) |
Akitoshi Hatanaka(400mm casegrain) 畑中明利 |
40cm の再研磨が終り、一昨日届いたばかりで
≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫
2007/10/27 09:24:57(UT) |
Seiichi Yoneyama(200mmF4Newton) 米山誠一 |
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫
2007/10/27 09:16:12(UT) |
Seiichi Yoneyama(200mmF4Newton) 米山誠一 |
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫
2007/10/26 12:15:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(280mm SC) |

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/10/25 14:14:12(UT) |
Hideo Einaga(300mm Newton) 永長英夫 |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
2007/10/25 11:30:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(280mm SC) |

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
2007/10/25 07:55:00(UT) |
Kolovos Dimitrios(280mm SC) |

[Kolovos Dimitrios , Athens Greece]
《コロボス デミトゥリオス ギリシャ アテネ》
Comet Section