彗星 Comet Elements
Comet C/2001 Q4 NEAT
2004/05/21 11:27:00(UT) |
Seiichi Yoneyama(200mm lens) 米山誠一
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫
2004/05/18 11:51:58(UT) |
Hiroaki Akutsu(180mm lens) 阿久津弘明 |
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
2004/05/18 11:32:53(UT) |
Hiroaki Akutsu(105mm lens) 阿久津弘明 |
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
2004/05/15 01:30:00(UT) |
Carlos E. Hernandez(7X50 binocular) Carlos.E.Hernandez |
I was able to observe Comet Neat Q4 again this evening through my Celestron 7x50mm binoculars and have recorded my impression of what I observed.
The observation was made at 01:30 U.T. on May 15, 2004 (or 09:30 P.M. EDT on May 14, 2004).
Comet Neat Q4 appeared as a brightly condensed "fuzzball" with what appeared to be a tail in the southwestern (SW) direction (I have enhanced the appearance
of the tail slightly for descriptive purposes). The cluster M44 (Beehive) was visible 2 degrees 19 minutes 03 seconds from the comet at this time.
The closest bright star to the comet, in a SE direction, was Theta Cancri (SAO 97881, 5.3m). I estimated the length of the tail to be nearly 3 degrees
(as this is the angular distance between the comet and Delta Cancri (SAO 98087, 3.94m) towards the SW).
Tomorrow night (May 15, 2004) the comet will be approximately 1.5 degrees from M44. That will be a spectacular sight! I hope that you enjoy my observation.
The best of luck in your own imaging and observations of the comet.
The best of luck to you and your family. I hope that you and your fellow astronomers enjoy the comet as well.
[Carlos.E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]
2004/05/14 12:09:24(UT) |
Hiroaki Akutsu(105mm lens) 阿久津弘明 |
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
2004/05/12 01:25:00(UT) |
Carlos E. Hernandez(7X50 binocular) Carlos.E.Hernandez |
I have put together a rendition of what Comet Neat Q4 appeared to me on May 12, 2004 at 01:25 U.T. (09:25 PM EDT).
South is at the top and celestial east towards the right.
The nucleus and coma were clearly visible with what appears to be the tail towards the north.
A faint star was visible south and adjacent to the nucleus. The star to the right is GSC 803:470 (9.38 magnitude)
and the one on the left is GSC 803:505 (10.62 magnitude). I hope that you like this impression of this interesting comet.
Comet Neat 2004/05/12 01:25 のスケッチです。 上が南、右が東です。
右の星はGSC 803:470 ( 9.38等級)
左の星はGSC 803:505 (10.62等級) です。
[Carlos.E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]
2004/05/11 11:53:00(UT) |
Akitoshi Hatanaka(50mm lens) 畑中明利 |
≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫
2004/05/11 11:50:13(UT) |
Hiroaki Akutsu(28.4mm lens) 阿久津弘明 |
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
2004/05/07 __:__:__(UT) |
Kitt Peak(0.9-meter telescope) |
This image of comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) was taken at the WIYN 0.9-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory
near Tucson, Ariz., on May 7, 2004.
The image was captured with the Mosaic I camera, which has a one-square degree field of view, or about five times
the size of the Moon. Even with this large field, only the comet's coma and the inner portion of its tail are visible.
A small star cluster (C0736-105, or Melotte 72) is visible in the lower right of the image, between the head of the
comet and the bright red star in the lower-right corner.
This color image was assembled by combining images taken by Travis Rector (Univ. Alaska, Anchorage), Zolt Levay and
Lisa Frattare (STScI/OPO) through blue, green and red filters.

[Kitt Peak National Observatory]
Comet Section