新星 Nova
Nova SN2014J in M82

2014/02/11 13:46:57(UT)
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53-C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
2014/02/09 20:57:30(UT)
Paul G. Abel(203mm Newton Drawing) Paul G. Abel
Attached is a drawing I made of SN 2014J. Although the waxing gibbous Moon added some ambient light, the sky was rather transparent and M82 showed some structure. The supernova was quite easy to pick out, and notably orange in colour. I estimate an apparent magnitude of 10.7

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
2014/01/22 14:47:12(UT)
Toshihiko.Tanaka(TOA130mm BJ-53-C) 田中利彦

[Toshihiko.Tanaka (Igaueno Mie Japan)]
≪三重県 伊賀上野 田中利彦≫
Nova Section